
We live in a world where everyone is exposed to some degree of physical and emotional abuse, neglect or disappointment.  These forces adversely affect our lives and change how we think, feel and interact with people and our surroundings.

In many cases these changes lead to broken lives, broken marriages or broken homes and spiritual counsel should be sought. Temperament Therapy is a biblical counseling method based upon the theory of temperament, which states that we are created with a specific set of intellectual and emotional needs, the “Temperament”. Recognizing that man is a spiritual being, created by God, Temperament Therapy focuses on understanding the inner man and applying that knowledge to properly balance body, soul and spirit.

Speaking the truth in love we endeavor to provide hope to the hopeless, healing to those in need, and the truth of God's love to all, through effective biblical counseling.

To Schedule an Appointment
Available Tuesday's & Thursday's