Life is complicated (more now than ever).
You’re just trying to get it right.
We are here to help.
Every man needs 3 gifts in his life:
A circle of friends
We need a group of guys who encourage us, hold us accountable, will go to the ballgame/fishing with us and are there when we need them.
A hobby
We need something we enjoy doing just for ourselves.
A growing faith
We were created to have a personal, faith relationship with God. As men, we cannot be all that we are meant to be apart from faith in God.
Cross Point’s strategy for helping men grow in their faith is by:
Engaging men where they are in life. Let’s hang out and get to know one another.
Equipping men to get it right where they are in life.
Empovering men to help other men get it right where they are in life.
We’re talking about doing something we already do, just being more purposeful about it. We already like to get together and hang out with other men, eat something that’s been grilled, smoked or fried. And we talk with other men about things like sports, weather & work.
ready to get started?
Let us know by sending us an email and someone from our team will follow up with you.